Some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is the continuing active total care of patients and their families, at a time when the medical expectation is no longer cure. Palliative care responds to physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs, and extends to support in bereavement. Palliative care is focused on reducing and relieving the symptoms of progressive illness.

Can family or friends visit?

Visitors are regarded as an important part of the care and are very welcome. Visiting hours are flexible. One or two family members may stay overnight.

Do I have to pay for Hospice or Home care?

No, these services are free. They are funded and administrated by the HSE in conjunction with financial assistance from “The Friends of St. Brigid’s.

Is it difficult to care for a patient at home?

The Hospice team will prepare an individualised care plan that will assess the amount of care needed by the patient. The homecare (Home Care) team visit regularly and are always accessible to answer queries and provide support. The G.P. continues to have responsibility in relation to prescribing medication for pain and symptom control. The support provided by the Home Care team is intended to complement the care provided by the G.P. and Public Health Nurse. St Brigid’s Hospice is fortunate to have such a committed team of professional staff of doctors, nurses and care staff who in the words of Dame Cicely Saunders “Help you to live with dignity until you die”.

How can my family or I access Palliative care?

Your G.P. or hospital doctor can refer you or your family member to the service. Patients are referred for symptom management, respite care, and end of life care. Referral for admission to the inpatient unit can also be through the community based Specialist Palliative Homecare Team. Care is provided regardless of religion, culture, or social situations. The team is consultant led and includes :
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Support services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Complementary therapy
  • Administrative staff

Who we are?

We are The FRIENDS of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care Services, a company limited by Guarantee.

Why are you called the FRIENDS?

We, the Friends are a registered charity, CHY 10804, and our sole purpose is to raise funds which go towards the provision of top class Hospice care for the people of Kildare and West Wicklow. Therefore, if you want your donation to go towards improvements to St. Brigid’s Hospice it is essential to make your donations to “The Friends of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care Services”.

Who are the Friends?

The Friends are people from all over Kildare and West Wicklow who are supporters of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care services.

The Board of Directors meets once a month and makes decisions regarding fundraising and expenditure of funds raised. Our AGM takes place in the Autumn, and is attended by Directors, Members, the staff of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care Services, invited guests and interested members of the public. Our extensively audited accounts are approved at the AGM.

All the work carried out by the Chairperson and the Board of Directors is done in a voluntary capacity so the all donations received go directly towards improving Hospice care.

Do the FRIENDS finance St. Brigid’s Hospice in other ways?

Yes, in accordance with our Memorandum and Articles of Association, The Friends also provide funding in the following ways: 100% of the monies received from fundraising activities & donations to provide for:
  • Extra hours of home care where necessary
  • Supplementary nursing cover
  • Funding for training courses
  • Security services
  • Garden maintenance
  • Ambulance services
  • Specialist equipment
  • Building additional patient accommodation
  • Bursary for staff and other educational needs
  • Patient comforts


Some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is the continuing active total care of patients and their families, at a time when the medical expectation is no longer cure. Palliative care responds to physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs, and extends to support in bereavement. Palliative care is focused on reducing and relieving the symptoms of progressive illness.

Can family or friends visit?

Visitors are regarded as an important part of the care and are very welcome. Visiting hours are flexible. One or two family members may stay overnight.

Do I have to pay for Hospice or Home care?

No, these services are free. They are funded and administrated by the HSE in conjunction with financial assistance from “The Friends of St. Brigid’s.

Is it difficult to care for a patient at home?

The Hospice team will prepare an individualised care plan that will assess the amount of care needed by the patient. The homecare (Home Care) team visit regularly and are always accessible to answer queries and provide support. The G.P. continues to have responsibility in relation to prescribing medication for pain and symptom control. The support provided by the Home Care team is intended to complement the care provided by the G.P. and Public Health Nurse. St Brigid’s Hospice is fortunate to have such a committed team of professional staff of doctors, nurses and care staff who in the words of Dame Cicely Saunders “Help you to live with dignity until you die”.

How can my family or I access Palliative care?

Your G.P. or hospital doctor can refer you or your family member to the service. Patients are referred for symptom management, respite care, and end of life care. Referral for admission to the inpatient unit can also be through the community based Specialist Palliative Homecare Team. Care is provided regardless of religion, culture, or social situations. The team is consultant led and includes :
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Support services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Complementary therapy
  • Administrative staff

Who we are?

We are The FRIENDS of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care Services, a company limited by Guarantee.

Why are you called the FRIENDS?

We, the Friends are a registered charity, CHY 10804, and our sole purpose is to raise funds which go towards the provision of top class Hospice care for the people of Kildare and West Wicklow. Therefore, if you want your donation to go towards improvements to St. Brigid’s Hospice it is essential to make your donations to “The Friends of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care Services”.

Who are the Friends?

The Friends are people from all over Kildare and West Wicklow who are supporters of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care services.

The Board of Directors meets once a month and makes decisions regarding fundraising and expenditure of funds raised. Our AGM takes place in the Autumn, and is attended by Directors, Members, the staff of St. Brigid’s Hospice and Home Care Services, invited guests and interested members of the public. Our extensively audited accounts are approved at the AGM.

All the work carried out by the Chairperson and the Board of Directors is done in a voluntary capacity so the all donations received go directly towards improving Hospice care.

Do the FRIENDS finance St. Brigid’s Hospice in other ways?

Yes, in accordance with our Memorandum and Articles of Association, The Friends also provide funding in the following ways: 100% of the monies received from fundraising activities & donations to provide for:
  • Extra hours of home care where necessary
  • Supplementary nursing cover
  • Funding for training courses
  • Security services
  • Garden maintenance
  • Ambulance services
  • Specialist equipment
  • Building additional patient accommodation
  • Bursary for staff and other educational needs
  • Patient comforts

How can I donate?

You can donate online now by clicking here.

Cheque/bank draft made payable to “The Friends of St. Brigid’s Hospice”.

Bequest/Legacy- maybe you would like to remember us in your will.

Donations in lieu of flowers, birthdays, anniversaries, in memory of a loved one, all can be made via My Charity.ie.

Friends of St Brigids Hospice | All Right Reserved | Website Design & Development by Aoife Kelly